2016 ATV Class

Wisconsin DNR Certifed ATV Safety Course:  On June 28th & June 29th the Hidden Bear Trail ATV Club and the Red Arrow Snowmobile & ATV Club conducted a Wisconsin DNR Certified ATV Safety Class at the Town of Doty in Oconto County.  The following Volunteer Certified DNR Instructors assisted with the Training:  Pictured above on the left kneeling is Instructor Carl Christensen, far left is Instructor John Brantmeier, next is Lead Instructor Jim Wisneski, on the right side of the sign is Instructor Larry Westphal and kneeling on the right side is Instructor Larry Market.  Twenty students attended both days of the class, all students passed an exam at the end of the training and received their DNR certificate to operate an ATV.  Lead Instrutor Jim Wisneski would like to remind all ATV/UTV user’s that they must take the DNR Certified ATV Safety Course and carry their certificate when driving an ATV/UTV if they were born after January 1, 1988.  Another reminder is that all ATV/UTV driver’s or rider’s under the age of 18 must  wear a DOT approved  helmet when riding on public ATV Trails or Routes.  A special thanks to the Town of Doty for the use of their beautiful facility.


2016 06 29 Class and Instructors in front of Doty sign 2016 06 29 Instructor Larry Market with ATV Safety Class