GREETINGS:  Hi all, the 2024 ATV/UTV season is in full swing and I hope you all have been out to enjoy the trails.  This Spring has been on the cool and wet side but in most cases we hope that you all had a chance to hit the trails!!!.  Now that it is close to July the weather should be a little dryer and much warmer.

MEMBERSHIP:  This spring we mailed all our members a copy of the 2024-2025 Oconto County ATV Maps and a 2024 club calendar with our events.  The last few years we have been hovering right around 200 paid members and about 350 total members including spouses and children.  We appreciate your membership.

CLUB MEETING:  We had our first club meeting this Saturday June 22nd at the Halfway Bar.  The attendance was down due to the weather and the fact we had to cancel our club ride and lunch at Waubee Lake had a definite effect on our attendance.  The next few items in this newsletter will discuss subjects at the meeting.  Our next club meeting will be held on August 17 (our annual fundraiser) at noon at Animal’s Bear Trail Inn.  Our 3rd and final meeting will be on Saturday, September 21st at 10:00 am (location to be determined), club ride at 11:00 and we will try to get back to Waubee Lake for lunch.  It is also our club picnic starting at 4:00 pm at the Schoolhouse Bar.  Along with food (free food) and drinks (2 free drink tickets) we will also have a 2-piece band (JD Pickers) starting at 4:00 pm on the stage outside at the SchoolHouse Bar.

TRAIL STATUS:  Last fall 5 of our members constructed 8 new water bars.  Water bars are constructed out of 2 X 6 x 14 treated lumber and a 14-foot x 12 inch piece of 1/4 inch conveyor belting.  The conveyor belting is put between 2 pieces of treated lumber and then buried in the ground on an angle with about 6 inches of belting above ground on hills to eliminate erosion on the trails.  The idea is to eliminate erosion and washouts on the trail.  We have a total of 17 water bars between Hwy 32 and Hwy T on our trail system.   Our contractor replaced 6 of our older water bars and installed 2 new ones.  We have 4 members that have volunteered to clean these out this year.  Thank you!!

NEW ATV TRAIL:  Our club and the Langlade County clubs have been working on connecting a southern connection from the Nicolet State Trail in Oconto County to the Wolf River Trail.  The new trail is along Hwy 55, between Hwy WW and Hwy M in Langlade County.  We emailed all of our members when that trail opened on Saturday June 15th and it is also on the new 2024-2025 Oconto County ATV Map.

CASH RAFFLE:  We have most of our $100.00 Cash Raffle tickets sold for our Fundraiser on August 17th, but I do have one ticket left if anyone is interested.  Please call me at 920-562-7872.

CLUB FUNDRAISER:  Our annual fundraiser is scheduled for Saturday August 17th at Animal’s Bear Trail Inn at the corner of Hwy 64 & T in the Town of Doty from 1:00 – 5:00 pm.  Please invite friends and family, we will have food, drinks, meat raffle & 50/50 raffles.  All prices for the food will stay the same as last year.  Club clothing will also be offered for sale. Hope to see you there!!!

FUNDRAISER HELP:  Due to the low attendance at our meeting this last Saturday we did not get a lot of people to sign up, and we are in need of additional volunteers to sign up to help.  Each shift is only 2 hours, and the following is where we still need help:

2 – food servers from 1:00 to 3:00

3 – food servers from 3:00 – 5:00

4 – 50-50 raffle seller’s both shifts 1:00 to 3:00 and 3:00 to 5:00

1 – help at meat trailer 1:00 t0 5:00

6 – Meat Raffle Seller’s 1:00 – 3:00

1 – Meat Raffle Seller 3:00 to 5:00

2 – Meat Runner’s 1:00 to 3:00

3 – Meat Runner’s 3:00 to 5:00

If you can help please reply to this email or call Jim at 920-562-7872.