Brat Fry at Lakewood Super Valu
Lakewood Super Valu
Brat Stand: Our ATV Club held a brat fry on Saturday July
28th at the Lakewood Super Valu. I want to thank the following members for
helping: Mark Peterson, Kathy Steinbach, Lucas Steinbach, Carl Herrick Jr,
& Gene Dunsirn. A special thanks to Loren Nelson for leading the event.
Gene Dunsirn and I set up at 9:00 and Gene Stayed until we got things going
with Kathy Steinbach, Lucas Steinbach, Mark Peterson, and Carl Herrick Jr. Then Kathy, Lucas, Mark and I ran things until we closed up and cleaned up at about 3:45. We got $17.25 in tips and I think we did pretty good for total. Terry had to go work at the WeinerFest so the money was put on his desk for him to figure
up. I will let you know the total later today.