Brat Fry at Lakewood Super Valu

Brat fry July 28, 2012


Brat fry July 28, 2012

Brat fry July 28, 2012

Brat fry July 28, 2012



Lakewood Super Valu
Brat Stand
:  Our ATV Club held a brat fry on Saturday July
28th at the Lakewood Super Valu.  I want to thank the following members for
helping:  Mark Peterson, Kathy Steinbach, Lucas Steinbach, Carl Herrick Jr,
& Gene Dunsirn.  A special thanks to Loren Nelson for leading the event.

Gene Dunsirn and I set up at 9:00 and Gene Stayed until we got things going
with Kathy Steinbach, Lucas Steinbach, Mark Peterson, and Carl Herrick Jr. Then Kathy, Lucas, Mark and I ran things until we closed up and cleaned up at about  3:45. We got $17.25 in tips and I think we did pretty good for total. Terry had  to go work at the WeinerFest so the money was put on his desk for him to figure
up. I will let you know the total later today.
