Bridge across the Wolf River
CALL TO ACTION: Your Hidden Bear Trail leadership team along with the Red Arrow Club and the White Lake ATV Club have been working for six years to site a Recreational Bridge across the Wolf River and a trail across the DNR Property at Langlade. The Langlade County Snowmobile Council has joined the effort to make this bridge and trail happen. This project will connect the Wolf River State Trail at White Lake with the Nicolet State Trail thru Boulder Lake. It will take the snowmobiles off of the busy Highway 64 bridge, allow ATV’s and UTV’s to cross the Wolf River and the recreational bridge will also be open to silent sport users. The following information pertains to another online survey regarding the DNR Wolf River Fishery Property Master Plan Amendment and an important meeting on June 20th in regards to this property:
ON-LINE SURVEY: The DNR is taking public comments about this project. There is a public comment period that is open now and goes thru July 10th, 2018. The survey mentions a possible alternative to use a re-constructed Highway 64 bridge that would include a lane for snowmobiles, ATV’s and UTV’s. Our leadership team strongly prefers a free standing recreational bridge. Feel free to express your thought about either option. FYI the highway recreational lane option would delay the crossing by at least 2 or more years. The leadership team prefers the free standing option.
SURVEY: You can make comments online at from now till July 10th, 2018 or print out a paper form to mail in by clicking the following link: You can make comments as a snowmobiler or ATV/UTV rider in support but if you enjoy any silent sports we suggest you comment about how user groups should work together to move this process forward.
OPEN HOUSE MEETING: This important open house will take place on Wednesday June 20th from 4:00 to 6:00 PM. This is a “come and go” type event where you can talk to and make comments to the DNR Staff about your support for this project. Stay a few minutes or the two hours…the choice is up to you. Please plan to attend and make your voice heard about this important project. Not all user groups are excited to see this go forward so we need lots of support!!!
If anyone would like to read the entire Proposed Amendment to the Wolf River Fishery area can go to the following website: https//
Jim Wisneski, Secretary
Hidden Bear Trail ATV Club