FALL RIDE September 29th, 2018

FALL RIDE Come join us on a colorful fall ride on Saturday, September 29th, 2018.  The day starts out at Mulligan’s on Highway 32 at 10:00 am for our last membership meeting of 2018, followed by a colorful ride over to Crooked Lake for Lunch at the Crooked Trails and Dusty Trails end-of-the-year Poker Run Event at Sportsman Park in Crooked Lake, lunch is on your own, their Chicken Booyah is great!!!  After lunch we will head back to the Lakewood Trail Head to enjoy our annual club picnic (menu includes Hot Beef Sandwiches, Salomon Hot Dogs, German Potato Salad, American Potato Salad and refreshments).  All members are welcome to attend, bring relatives and friends along.  If you cannot make the meeting and want to enjoy just the colorful ride we will be leaving Mulligans at 11:00 am (Their is trailer parking at the Lakewood Trailhead if needed).  Also if you just want to join us for the Club Picnic that will start around 4:00 pm at the Lakewood Trailhead!!!  Hope to see you there!!
