Hidden Bear Trail ATV Club Newsletter #1, 2017

MEMBERSHIP MEETING & CLUB RIDE:  We held our first membership meeting on Saturday, June 17th at the School House Bar & Restaurant.  We had a total of 35 people at the meeting.  After the meeting we went on a club ride over to The Beach Club, we had a total of 16 machines and 25 riders.  The ride over to The Beach Club was dry using the Nicolet State Trail and Town Roads to arrive at the Beach Club at 12:30.  We had a wonderful buffet of tacos, pizza, salads, chicken tenders, FF, onion petals and fruit.  Thanks to Walt & Sandy for putting on a great buffet for a great price!!  After lunch we went back to Mountain on the Crooked Trails ATV Club Trails, we encountered a lot of mud holes, needless to say the ride back was more fun!!  We arrived back to Mountain around 3:30.  The weather was beautiful with no rain.  A special thanks to the School House Bar for opening early for our meeting and being very supportive of our club efforts.

BRAT FRY:  This SaturdayJune 24th our club will be holding a brat fry at the Lakewood Super Valu.  Our Vice President Loren Nelson is heading up this event.  The hours of the brat fry will be from 9:30 am to around 2:00 pm.  If you are in the area please stop by for some great food and help support our club!!!

TRAIL UPDATE:  The following is some of the projects we are currently working on and projects that we have completed this year:  Trail to Langlade:  We continue to work with the White Lake ATV Club, & Red Arrow Snowmobile & ATV Club to open an ATV Route from Traxel Point Road (Boulder Lake Area) over to the Wolf River Trail in the Town of Wolf River including on using the existing bridge in Langlade on Highway 64 to cross the Wolf River.  We have received a $20,000.00 grant to repair the trail from Traxel Point Road to Fish Hatchery Road, we are currently working with Landowner’s in Langlade to use their property to get to Langlade.  This is a very complex project and has been and will be a time consuming project from start to finish but we will continue to pursue this project, at this time their is no time frame on when this project will be completed.  Yearly Maintenance Work:  By the end of June we will have our yearly maintenance work done on the trail behind the old zoo, our contractor will be repairing washouts and re-doing the water bars in that area.  Ditch lines on Highway T & Highway F:  This spring we put some large stone in a portion along Highway T in Doty, this was done to resolve the mud hole that existed last year, our contractor will be putting crushed gravel over these stones in the next few weeks, we also repaired some washouts along Highway F, east of the Beach Club.  Highway F:  Our club worked with the Oconto County Highway Department to open up another section of Highway F from the Sand Trap Bar & Restaurant to Lakewood on the blacktopped shoulder.  Hwy T Fence:  Our club purchased a riding lawn mower to mow the grass along the fence on O’briens Property along with mowing the field on Highway T & 64 to use for parking at our Fund Raiser in August.  Boulder Lake Bridge:  This spring our club along with the Chute Pond Snowmobile Club replaced the decking on the bridge on the ATV trail over to Boulder Lake just east of Highway T in Doty.  Grading of trail:  After July 1st our president will be using Dusty Trails Tractor to grade our ATV Trail from Highway 32 over to Highway T by Animal’s and over to Boulder Lake.  DNR Grant:  We received a $7200.00 Grant from the DNR to repair the ATV Trail from Highway T over to Blue Spruce, this work will be completed this fall.  Mountain Lakes Road in Riverview:  We contacted the Town of Riverview and they will be grading their portion of Mountain Lakes Road, this is the road that is part of our ATV Trail/Routes

DNR ATV/UTV CERTIFICATION CLASS:  Our club again will be partnering with the Red Arrow Club to host a ATV/UTV  DNRCertification Class.  Anyone born after January 1st,      1988 are required to take an ATV/UTV Certification Class and to travel with the certificate when driving an ATV/UTV.  The Red Arrow Club is hosting the class which will be taking place on Thursday & Friday July 6thJuly 7th from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Townsend Town Hall.  Anyone interested in signing up for this class should go to the DNR website to register.

NORTHEAST WISCONSIN ATV ASSOCIATION (WATVA) MEETING:  This year’s WATVA NE Meeting will be held on Saturday July 15th, 2017 at Dunbar WI.  The Dun-Good Riders ATV & Snowmobile Club will be hosting the meeting.  This is our state ATV/UTV organization.  The meeting will start at 9:30 AM at the Dun-Good Riders Club House, lunch will be at 11:30 and then an ATV/UTV Ride will follow lunch.  Our club has partnered with the Red Arrow Club to ride from Townsend on our ATV/UTV’s leaving at 7:00 AM from the Townsend Shell over to Dunbar for the meeting, after lunch we will be going back to the Lakewood/Townsend area.  Anyone interested on going on the ride over to Dunbar, please let me know or just show up at the Townsend Shell at 7:00 am.

LAKEWOOD MARDI GRAS PARADE:  Our club again will be participating in the Lakewood Mardi Gras Parade that will take place on Sunday July 16th in Lakewood.  Our club will again furnish beads and candy to throw out at the parade.  We will meet at the Lakewood Cemetary at 11:30 that day to line up for the Noon Parade.  All members, relatives and friends are welcome to ride in the parade.  Any one under the age of 18 that wants to drive or ride an ATV/UTV must wear a helmet.

HIDDEN BEAR TRAIL ATV FUND RAISER:  We will be holding our one and only Fund Raiser again this year at Animal’s Bear Trail Inn on Saturday August 19th from Noon to 6:00 pm.  We will have a $1.00 meat raffle again this year, along with 50-50 raffles thru out the day.  Also Food & Beverages will be served thru out the day.  The $100.00 Cash Raffle will be drawn at 6:00 PM, along with a Gun Raffle & a Packer Autographed Football.  We will be setting up at 8:00 am that day, we will need help to set up along with help selling meat raffle tickets (either from noon – 3:00 pm or 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm), and we need meat runner’s for both shifts.  If anyone can help please email me or call me at 920-562-7872.  Please help support our club, tell relatives, and friends about our event.  If you cannot help please feel free to attend and enjoy a fun day!!!

2017 CALENDAR OF EVENTS:  Brat Fry Saturday June 24th at Lakewood SuperValu, DNR Certification Class July 6th & 7th, NE WI ATV Association Meeting July 15th in Dunbar WI, Lakewood Parade July 16th, Fund Raiser and Membership Meeting (11:00 am) August 19th, Membership Meeting, Club Ride & Club Cookout Saturday September 30th at 10:00 am at Firelite Bar & Grill in Lakewood WI.  Your Club Board Meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of each month from March – October at 6:00 pm at Animal’s Bear Trail Inn, all members are welcome to attend!!

BUSINESS MEMBERS:  The following is a list of Business Members, please help support their business:  Lakewood Hardware, Lakewood Super Valu, Mulligans, The Beach Club, Lotter’s Lakewood Shell, J&J Contracting, Animals Bear Trail Inn, Maple Heights Campground, Echo Valley Campground, Boulder Lake Campground, Tebo Lakewood Realty & Cellular, O’Neils Halfway Bar, 9 mile Bar & Resort, Firelite Bar & Grill, Waubee Lodge, Prospect Bar, Grill, The School House Bar & Grill, Sandtrap Bar & Grill & Lakewood Motorsports.