Hidden Bear Trail ATV Club Newsletter #1, 2018
MEMBERSHIP MEETING & CLUB RIDE: We had our first membership meeting for
2018 on Saturday June 23rd at the Schoolhouse Bar & Grill. We had a
total of 32 members in attendance. After the meeting 19 ATV Riders from
the All Season ATV Club from Elkhorn WI joined with our members for our
first club ride of 2018. There was a total of 32 machines and 42 total
riders. We left the Schoolhouse Bar at 11:00 am, stopped for a great
lunch at Woody’s Bar & Grill on Parkway Road and returned to Mountain at
5:00 pm. It was a beautiful day, a bit dusty but that’s what it is all
BRAT FRY: Chairman Loren Nelson and his crew worked the Lakewood Super
Valu Brat Stand on Saturday June 16th. Loren’s crew made $455.00 for
the club. Thanks Loren and your crew for a job well done!!!
LANGLADE BRIDGE/TRAIL UPDATE: As you are aware our club has been
working with numerous other clubs, government agencies, etc to create an
ATV/UTV Trail from Boulder Lake to the Wolf River Trail in White Lake,
which also includes an all user recreational bridge in Langlade.
Currently there is a Langlade County Grant Request that was submitted to
the Governor’s Councils for this Bridge and Trail. That request will be
approved/disapproved at the Governor’s Council Meetings on August 28th &
August 29th. Currently there is a DNR survey regarding the DNR Property
that is needed to complete this project. Member’s were notified of this
survey in a seperate email. The survey can be completed by visiting the
following website: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QKM436Q. The survey
must be completed by July 10th. We hope as many members will take this
survey and support a newly constructed bridge for snowmobile and
ATV’s/UTV’s next to the existing Highway 64 bridge.
MARDI GRAS PARADE: Our club will again participate in the Mardi Gras
Parade on Sunday July 15th in Lakewood. All members, friends and
families are welcome to ride in the parade. This year we are going to
have a small float in the parade along with furnishing beads to all
members to hand out during the parade. The parade starts at Noon and we
will be lining-up for the parade at 11:30 at the Lakewood Cemetary North
of Lakewood. Any one under the age of 18 must wear a helmet if they
plan on riding in the parade.
sponsoring the NE WATVA Meeting on Saturday July 28th at the Riverview
Town Hall on Highway 32 in Mountain WI. The meeting will start at 9:00
am, this is your opportunity to meet our state officials and ask
questions regarding our state organization. Lunch will follow the
meeting at Noon and shortly after lunch we will have an ATV/UTV ride in
the area. More information regarding this meeting will follow.
CLUB CLOTHING: We have some new club clothing. The Board of Director’s
determined that at this time we would limit the different colors and
limit the styles of clothing. Brian & Diane Fitzpatrick are our
clothing chairpersons. We will have our club clothing available at our
annual fundraiser on August 18th.
COUNTY F & COUNTY T: We are currently repairing the ditch line along
Highway County F east of the Beach Club. We have received permission
from the Oconto County Highway Department to now ride in both directions
on the blacktop on County T from Hwy 64 going south to where the trail
goes east into the tornado area. The ditch line along this area is now
closed for ATV’s/UTV’s but will still be used for a snowmobile trail.
Please stay out of the ditch and ride on the blacktops and follow the signs.
CASH RAFFLE: We still have a few $100.00 raffle tickets left but they
are going very fast. The Board of Directors decided to keep the cash
raffle to 175 tickets. If you want one, you can get one at Animal’s
Bear Trail Inn or by contacting me. It looks like these will all be
sold by July 4th, so if you still want one, I suggest getting one soon!!!!
ANNUAL FUNDRAISER: Our Annual Fundraiser will be on Saturday August
18th, 2018 at Animal’s Bear Trail Inn starting at Noon – 6:00 pm. We
will have the famous meat raffle again this year, along with food &
refreshments. Please mark your calendars!!!
HELP: We will need help the day of the Fundraiser and the day before.
We are in need of raffle seller’s on both shifts from noon to 3:00 and
from 3:00 to 6:00, and also food server’s. Weather permitting we will
set up some large tents and other things on Friday starting at 1:00 pm.
We also will need help at 9:00 am on Saturday to set up the remainder of
tents and table. If you can help please email me at:
hiddenbeartrailatvclub@centurytel.net or call me at 920-562-7872.
NEXT MEMBERSHIP MEETING: Our next membership meeting will be at 11:00
am at Animal’s Bear Trail Inn (prior to our fundraiser). Our next Board
Meeting is scheduled for 6:00 pm on Wednesday July 11th at Animals Bear
Trail Inn. All members’s are welcome to attend our board meetings.
Thanks, Jim