Hidden Bear Trail ATV Club Newsletter #2, 2018

CLUB MEETING:  Our last club meeting was held on Saturday, August 18th, 2018 at Animal’s Bear Trail Inn at 11:00 am.  A total of 42 members were in attendance.  This was also the same date as our Annual Fundraiser.  Our Fundraiser was very well attended with the weather cooperating this year also.  The Board of Director’s would like to thank all the people that attended and all of our members that helped from Friday to set up to Saturday evening to clean up.  This is our only fundraiser for the year and it helps us create more ATV trails and to insure the safe riding of all of the ATV Riders that travel our trails.  Thanks to all!!

LANGLADE BRIDGE PROJECT:  On August 28 & August 29th, the Governor’s Off Road Vehicle (ORV) Committee will meet on August 28th and the Governor’s Snowmobile Council Committee will meet on August 29th to decide on the DNR grant that was submitted to build an ATV Trail from Boulder Lake in Oconto County to the Wolf River Trail in Langlade County, this grant also includes building a recreational bridge across the Wolf River in Langlade.  This is only one step in the process (a big step) but there are other hurdles that need to be worked out before this project will go forward.  One hurdle along with others is the determination of the use of the DNR property on the West Side of the Wolf River in Langlade to be used for ATV travel.  Our club, with the White Lake ATV Club, and the Red Arrow ATV and Snowmobile Club will continue to work on this, another update will be at our next membership meeting in September.

TRAIL UPDATE:  We continue to monitor the hilly areas on our trail system.  We have had a very dry summer so far and our waterbar’s that we installed along with the dry weather have held up very well so far.  The Board would like to thank the members who volunteered this year to keep the waterbar’s cleaned out.  We also did some work along Highway F in the ditch line East of the Beach Club.  We also repaired the hill coming from the Beach Club to Highway F.  We will continue to monitor these ditch lines.

NEW RECREATIONAL OFFICER:  We now have a new Recreational Officer, his name is Ben Schindel.  Ben is an Oconto County Sheriff that is assigned to patrol in the seven towns of Townsend, Lakewood, Riverview, Doty, Mountain, Breed and Brazeau.  Approx 60% of his salary comes from the ATV, Snowmobile and Boating Registration.  This additional officer will insure that the 2% of ATV rider’s that think they are above the law and that do not have to obey any laws will help curb their poor decisions.

THIS WEEKEND:  Labor Day Weekend is right around the corner and I would like to take some time to promote events that are going on this weekend.  RED ARROW SNOWMOBILE AND ATV CLUB:  On Saturday September 1st the Red Arrow Club will have their ATV Parade at 11:00 AM leaving their groomer builder traveling over to the Old Town Hall in Townsend.  After the Parade they will have meat raffles and other raffles along with food & beverage thru out the day.  RIVERVIEW FIRE DEPARTMENT CORN ROAST:  The Riverview Fire Department will hold their annual corn roast also on Saturday September 1st.  LAKEWOOD FIRE DEPARTMENT:  The Lakewood Fire Department will hold their annual corn roast on Sunday September 2nd.

NEXT MEETING, CLUB RIDE AND CLUB PICNIC:  Our next meeting will be held at Mulligan’s Sports Bar on Hwy 32 in Lakewood on Saturday September 29th, 2018 at 10:00 am.  After the meeting we will leave Mulligan’s and ride over to Crooked Lake for the End of the Year Poker Run event hosted by Dusty Trails ATV Club and Crooked Trails ATV Club.  We will have lunch at their event, lunch is on your own.  After lunch we will head back to Lakewood to have our annual club picnic at the Trailhead in Lakewood.  The club picnic will start around 4:00 pm, all food and beverages are free.  Anyone that needs to trailer their machines for the meeting can park at the Lakewood Trailhead and ride your ATV/UTV to the meeting at Mulligans at 10:00 am.  The club ride will end up back at the Trailhead in Lakewood.  All members are welcome to attend the entire days event or if you only want to ride or come to the club picnic that is fine also.  Hope to see you there!!!

BUSINESS MEMBERS:  The following is a list of Business Members, Please help support their business:  Lakewood Hardware, Lakewood Super Valu, Mulligans, The Beach Club, Lotter’s Shell, J&J Contracting, Animal’s Bear Trail Inn, Maple Heights Campground, Echo Valley Campground, Boulder Lake Campground, Tebo Lakewood Realty & Cellular, O’Neils Halfway Bar, Firelite Bar & Grill, Waubee Lodge, The School House Bar & Grill, Sandtrap Bar & Grill, Lakewood Motorsports & All Season Rider’s ATV Club.  Thank you!!!!