Hidden Bear Trail ATV Club Newsletter #2, 2021
9TH ANNUAL CLUB FUNDRAISER: We had another very successful club fundraiser, the weather was questionable but it turned out to be a nice day. The board of director’s would like to thank all of our members for helping out and in attending the event. It started out on Friday afternoon with 20 volunteer’s to help set up the large tents and bring table, chairs and small tents from the storage building over to the event and ended up with everyone chipping in to take down everything. Our meat raffle was very successful, we ended up going thru all of our 50 spins ($2.00 a ticket) in just over 3.5 hours. We shortened our event this year from 6 hours to 4 hours and it worked very good. We also shortened our volunteer workers from a 3 hour shift to a 2 hour shift. A special thanks to Dennis Pommering for spinning our meat raffle the entire day. Also to the members that worked both shifts. Another special thanks for the member that baked all the cookies for our food trays. Lastly thank you to all the members that bought a $100.00 cash raffle ticket!!! All 200 cash raffle tickets were purchased by the middle of June, if you want one for next year watch your email, we will start selling these tickets in April of 2022.
LANGLADE BRIDGE UPDATE: The engineer is still working on the exact location of where the new snowmobile bridge will be located. The last info I received was that they were having problems with the natural gas line that runs under the river and the overhead power lines. To avoid going over the top of the gas lines, the new bridge will be needed to move closer to the existing Highway 64 bridge. This information has been communicated to the WI DOT office in Rhinelander and we are awaiting the word from them. More info to follow.
NEXT MEMBERSHIP MEETING, CLUB RIDE AND CLUB PICNIC: Our next and last membership meeting of the year will be held at Mulligan’s Sport Bar in Lakewood WI starting at 10:00 am on Saturday September 25th. The Board of Director’s have been working on changing our club bylaws including on how we do our elections. At this meeting the member’s will be voting on changing our bylaws which includes the election process. The most important part of the bylaw change is that all of our board will not be elected each year, the term for the board will be changing to a 2 year term and we will be rotating the board member up for election. Anyone at this time is eligible for running for our elected positions: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Membership Secretary and Board of Director. If any member is interested in any of these positions please email me or call me at 920-562-7872. We will also take nominations from the floor that day. Enough of the Politics!!!! After the meeting we will go on our club ride leaving Mulligan’s around 11:00 am, going over to Crooked Lake to attend the Dusty Trails ATV Club and Crooked Trails ATV Club annual Poker Run. Lunch will be on your own and after lunch we will head back. We will be having our annual club picnic again this year. The picnic will be held outside at the School House Bar in Mountain. All member’s are welcome to attend. The picnic will start at 4:30, this year most of the food will be catered by Super Valu in Lakewood. The menu will consist of Chicken, Salomon Hot Dogs, German Potato Salad, American Potato Salad, Cole Slaw and Dessert. The club will furnish 2 drink tickets to all members in attendance. Hope to see you there!!!
HELP: After many years of maintaining our website, Dave Pitterle is going to retire from this position. Dave did an excellent job and we are looking for his replacement. The duties of this position will be to post info on our club website. This is one position that you can do from the comfort of your home. This is one position that you do not have to attend board meetings and can do from your comfort of your home. Normally all the information is emailed to you and all you have to do is post it on the website. Just a heads up we are looking at changing our website a bit and that may require a little more work than you normally would need to do. If anyone has experience with this it would be a great way to volunteer some of your time. Dave will stay on and work with the person until they are familiar with the website. If you want to look at our website the address is: www.hiddenbeartrailatvclub.com. Please email me or call me at 920-562-7872 if interested.
BUSINESS MEMBERS: Please support the follow businesses that belong to our club: Lakewood Super Valu, Lakewood Hardware, Mulligans, The Beach Club, Lotter’s Shell, J&J Contracting, Animal’s Bear Trail Inn, Maple Heights Campground, Echo Valley Campground, Boulder Lake Campground, Tebo Lakewood Realty and Cellular, O’Neils Halfway Bar, Firelite Bar & Grill, Waubee Lodge, The School House Bar and Grill, Sandtrap Bar & Grill, Lakewood Motorsports, Anderson Supper Club, Binder Lake Lodge, Maiden Lake Supper Club, McCaslin Mountain Campground, Dusty Trails ATV Club and All Season Rider ATV Club.