Hidden Bear Trail ATV Club Newsletter #3, 2018
CLUB MEETING: Our last club meeting for 2018 was held on Saturday September 29th, 2018 at 10:00 am at Mulligans. A total of 49 members were in attendance. After completion of the meeting we went on a fall ride over to Crooked Lake, we had 18 machines and 30 people on the ride. The weather was cool but the color’s were great!! We went to Crooked Lake to support the year long Poker Run event that is sponsored by Dusty Trails ATV Club and Crooked Trails ATV Club. After the Poker Run the group ended up back at the Lakewood Trailhead for the Club’s annual picnic held at the Lakewood Trailhead. Over 50 people braved the chilly weather but the food was hot and a fun time was had by all.
LANGLADE BRIDGE PROJECT AND ATV TRAIL FROM NICOLET STATE TRAIL IN OCONTO COUNTY TO WOLF RIVER TRAIL IN LANGLADE COUNTY UPDATE: Since our last meeting and newsletter in August a DNR grant has been procured in the amount of $403,000.00 to build a new stand alone all user recreational bridge across the Wolf River in Langlade and an ATV Trail from Fish Hatchery Road to the Wolf River Trail. Approximately $150,000.00 dollar came from the Snowmobile Program and the remainder from the ATV Program. The ATV program is paying for 1/2 the bridge and the entire trail from Fish Hatchery Road to the Wolf River Trail, the snowmobile program is paying for 1/2 of the new Recreational Bridge (they already have an existing snowmobile trail from Fish Hatchery Road to the Wolf River Trail). There are no tax payers money paying for this, the funds are from the snowmobile and ATV registration program. Also on September 26th our club along with others testified in Hayward WI before the Natural Resource Board to change the DNR’s Master Plan to allow ATV’s on the DNR Property on the east side of the Wolf River and the west side of the Wolf River. After the testimony the Natural Resources Board voted 6-0 to allow ATV’s on this property. This is another step closer to getting the trail from the Nicolet State Trail to the Wolf River State Trail. We will continue to work on this project, we have gained some ground with the funds and the DNR property we still have some issues to work out. We will keep you updated as things progress!!
DETOUR OF ATV TRAIL: On Saturday October 20th and Sunday October 21st the ATV Trail on the O’Briens Property along Hwy T (along the white fence) will be closed for those 2 days to allow a Fall Dog Sled Race on the O’Briens property. The Oconto County Highway Department has given us permission to use the blacktop surface of Hwy T for those 2 days from Eichoff Road to the Storage Sheds along Hwy T. The club will put up detour signs and will have our Trail Ambassador in the area to assist. The Oconto County Sheriff’s Department is also aware of this detour.
CLUB ELECTIONS: We also held our annual elections on Saturday with the following results: President – Shawn Fidler, Vice-President – Loren Nelson, Treasurer – Tom Siudzinski, Secretary – Jim Wisneski, Membership Secretary – Schomker and Board of Directors: Mike Richling, Tim Stephani, Dave Pitterle, Ron Schomker, Gene Dunsirn & Brian Fitzpatrick.
MEMBERSHIP DUES: Your 2019 membership dues are due December 31st, 2018, you will be receiving your dues notices sometime in November.
OCONTO COUNTY ATV TRAILS: Another ATV Season is winding down but still over a month to ride. The Oconto County ATV Trails will close on Sunday November 4th, 2018. The 2019 season will start the last Saturday in April, 2019 (weather permitting). The Board of Directors would like to thank the membership for another great ATV Season!!!
BUSINESS MEMBERS: The following is a list of Business Members, please help support their business: Lakewood Hardware, Lakewood Super Valu, Mulligans, The Beach Club, Lotter’s Shell, J&J contracting, Animal’s Bear Trail Inn, Maple Heights Campground, Echo Valley Campground, Boulder Lake Campground, Tebo Lakewood Realty & Cellular, O’Neils Halfway Bar, Firelite Bar & Grill, Waubee Lodge, The School Housae Bar & Grill, Sandtrap Bar & Grill, Lakewood Motorsports & All Season Rider’s ATV Club. Thank You!!!