Hidden Bear Trail ATV Club Newsletter October 2011
The October membership meeting was held at Firelite Lounge in Lakewood, with 16 members and 1 guest present. A club ride followed the meeting on our new route that was opened September 15th.
WATVA GUEST: Terry Coplein (NE District Director) from the
Wisconsin ATV Association attended our meeting and discussed the UTV permanent bill which is currently being worked on in Madison.
We expect that bill to be passed prior to July 2012 when the temporary bill expires. Along with the permanent UTV Bill, the same bill will include a self supplied license plate on the back of each ATV/UTV. More info on the license plate will follow if passed.
Terry also discussed the youth bill (grandparents bill) that will
require children from the age of 12 to 16 to have an approved adult with them when they ride on any ATV Road Routes.
Currently children from age 12 – 16 can ride on any road routes with an adult. Terry discussed a meeting that was held with the Forest Service in regards to allowing UTV’s larger than 50 inches wide to travel on designated Forest Service Roads.
WEBSITE: We have posted detailed directions on our website in regards to the new Trail/Route that we opened on September 15th
from the Nicolet Trail to Highway 64 & T and then North to Townsend to again connect with the Nicolet Trail at the Valley Inn.
FORESTSERVICE: On September 15th we opened the new trail/route that goes thru 4 miles of FS Property that allowed us to connect from the Nicolet Trail North of Mountain, over to Highway T & 64 and then North to Townsend back to the Nicolet Trail. Our Club received a $23,000.00 grant from the FS to improve the 4 miles of trail which our contractor worked on this summer. The trail is opened but we will continue to improve the 4 mile stretch thru the FS. The grant money expires in September 2012. Our next project that we are
working with the Red Arrow Club and Crooked Lake Club is a new route from Lakewood over to Crooked Lake. This will be a new route mostly thru FS property and will decrease the distance from Lakewood area over to Crooked Lake and will be a trueATV Route.
last newsletter for 2011 and Saturday October 8th was our last
membership meeting for this year. We will start our 2012 membership meetings in May and our 2012 newsletter also in
May. Any important info between now and May 2012 will be communicated to you via email or via mail. Please continue to check our website at www.hiddenbeartrailatvclub.com
or email me at hiddenbeartrailatvclub@centurytel.net.
TRAIL CLOSURES: The Oconto County ATV Trail system closes
November 1st for the season and all town roads in Doty, Riverview
& Lakewood close the same date.
BUSINESS MEMBERS: Please help support our business
members: Timberline Restaurant, Firelite
Lounge, Firehouse Bar, Lakewood Hardware, Lakewood Power Sports, Lakewood
Supervalu, 9 mile resort, Animals Bear Trail Inn, Pine Grove Bar, Echo Valley
Resort, Halfway Bar, Mulligans, Maple Heights Campground & Lizer Lawn Care in Green Bay.