Hidden Bear Trail ATV Club Newsletter October 2012
Membership Meeting: Our last 2012 membership meeting was held on Saturday October 13 at 10:00 am at Pine Grove Bar on Hwy W.
We had 16 members in attendance. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 am.
Annual Report: A copy of the annual report was handed out and discussed with the members in attendance. Anyone that is interested in getting a copy of the annual report can contact me via email and I will email you a copy.
Membership Report: We have a total of 122 paying
members and a grand total including family members of 221 members.
Lakewood Report: Our club just completed
installing all the required signs in the ditchline on County F. The following
is the area along County F that are legal to ride ATV/UTV’S: From the Golf
Course subdivision coming off of Country Club use the South Ditchline to
Whitetail Lane cross county F at Whitetail onto Marilyn’s Greenhouse Property to Lake John Road, you can then get to the Nicolet State Trail via Lake John Road, Foresster Road & North Road to the Nicolet State Trail. Rider’s from the W Wheeler Lake Area now can access the Nicolet State Trail quicker by crossing Hwy F at Thielke Road, over to Old 32 and use South Ditchline on County F to Whitetail, cross County F at Whitetail and then the same directions as above to get to the Nicolet State Trail. The other area of Hwy F ditchline that is open is from the Beach Club East to the trail that connects from Crooked
Lake, ATV/UTV riders will be able to get to Crooked Lake area and to the
Northern Marinette County ATV/UTV trail system starting at the Beach Club. We will continue to work with the County to look at other areas of Highway F to
utilize the Ditchline. Remember it is illegal to ride down County F on the
blacktop, we continue to get reports that ATV/UTV’s are riding on the blacktop,
this will only make it more difficult for us to get areas opened.
Riverview Report: The Board of Director’s have decided to hold a Fun Day in April 2013 at the Riverview Town Hall to raise funds to pay for the remainder of ATV signs that will need to be installed on Riverview Town Roads prior to May 1st 2013. More information will follow regarding this.
Doty Report: Oconto County has just completed a DNR ATV Funded project from County T over to Blue Spruce Road on our the current
ATV route (old dump road). That section of trail has been in need of repair for
sometime, our club repaired part of it this summer and now the County has
completed this work and the trail is in very good shape, hopefully some of you
have noticed the improvements. Our Club also met with Pat Scanlan from the
Oconto County Highway Commission in regards to the concern we had with the
ditchline from Hwy T & 64 to old dump road. Pat suggested that we put wood
chips along the ditchline and suggested an area that we needed to have some
dozer work. That work is in progress with most of it completed except for some
wood chip being put down on one end. This should help with any erosion and make it safer for ATV\UTV user’s.
Forest Service Report: Our club along with 4 other
clubs met with the FS on September 10th at our quarterly meeting. We discussed our project from Blue Spruce Road over to Boulder Lake Campgrounds. We have now received a $5200.00 grant to repair part of that trail from the FS, based on the permits that will be needed due to a trout stream that passes thru that area and other issues, it looks like that section of trail will not open until sometime in 2013 at the earliest. The project from Mulligan’s over to Sullivan Springs Road has also met with some issues regarding gates and some mis-communications regarding the retirement of the FS rep we were working with and the new rep. We had requested the area from Mulligan’s over to Sullivan Springs Road and over to the Golf Course, and somehow the FS only submitted a request from Mulligan’s over to Old 32. Hopefully this can be worked out.
Elections: The annual elections were held at our
membership meeting on October 13th. The following are your 2012/2013 Officers: President, Shawn Fidler, Vice President, Loren Nelson, Treasurer Mike Richling, Secretary, Jim Wisneski. Board of Directors: Tim Stephani, Gene Dunsirn, Dave Pitterle, & Kath Steinbach.
Membership Dues: We will be mailing our yearly membership dues out in early November, please mail them back, we need you as a member.
Last Newsletter of 2012: This will be our last official newsletter of 2012, we will continue to communicate with our members thru out the year via email and will continue to update our website at: www.hiddenbeartrailatvclub.com. Have a great remainder of the 2012 ATV/UTV riding season. Remember the ATV/UTV trails close October 31st each year in Oconto County. The Town Roads in Lakewood & Townsend are open year round but the Nicolet State Trail closes October 31st.
Jim and Patti Wisneski