Letter from Shawn Fidler our President
April 2016
Dear Member:
It is hard to believe that the opening of the trail system is less than a month away. (trail conditions acceptable). In this letter we will mention some of the projects that the Club has worked on.
Club member volunteers as well as members of other ATV, Snowmobile, Equine, and Cross Country Ski Clubs, along with County Government Officials, County Emergency Personnel, Sheriff’s Dept., WI DNR, and others worked on a Trails Committee. The Trails Committee is overseen by the Oconto County Economic Development Corporation. The new sign number system uses a 3 digit number to mark significant trail locations, intersections, etc. throughout Oconto County. The County is divided into six areas which are designated 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 600 series. Members of Snowmobile Clubs and ATV Club installed the new signs, over 250 new signs were installed to replace the old intersections signs. New maps have been created showing the new numbering system so please recycle any previous maps you may have.
We are enclosing a new map for your use along with a copy of a poster which is being put all over the County in businesses, kiosks etc. The poster explains that these new signs truly could save your life in the event of an accident or other life threatening situation. As the poster says if you are in sight one of the three-digit signs and need help, dial 911 and give them the number on the sign. The 911 dispatcher will notify emergency personnel near you. The signs also have a GPS location on them which is the NRGS number system.
Also enclosed you will see a Calendar of Events for 2016.
For those of you who frequent the areas of Breed and Mountain a new route will be open this year. It goes from the Nicolet State Trail West of Anderson Lake Westerly on Bonita Road and connects with Mountain Lakes Road via a short section of County W which allows ATV travel on pavement. This allows you to get to the Boulder Lake Area and other areas in Doty, Riverview, Lakewood Townsend and points North and South. The new maps have this route indicated. NOTE: Nearly all of Oconto County Highways are NOT open to ATV travel. Our club paid the Oconto County Highway Department to install the new signs along Highway W, a special thanks to the Dusty Trails ATV Club who paid for half of the signs for this project.
We thank you for being a member of Hidden Bear Trail ATV Club and hope you have an exceptional riding season. Remember, helmets do save lives but only if people wear them. More club info can be obtained at our website at www.hiddenbeartrailatvclub.com.
Shawn Fidler