Memorial Ceremony & ATV Ride for Roger Steinbach

The Board of Directors at our April Meeting decided to have a Memorial Ceremony & ATV Ride for Roger Steinbach. 
 Roger passed away unexpectedly last fall.  Roger was our club Vice President and was very much involved with the sport of ATV’s. 
 The memorial ride is going to start at 10:00 am on Saturday May 5th at the Lakewood Trail Head in Lakewood WI.  The ride will end at Animal’s Bear Trail Inn, 16895 Highway 64, Mountain WI 54149.
At noon we will have a short Memorial Ceremony at Animal’s Bear Trail Inn where
we will put up 2 memorial signs in memory of Roger.  The signs will be along the
new trail that opened last fall which Roger was very instrumental in getting
opened.  A small luncheon will be served after the ceremony sponsored by our
 We hope to see you on the ride or at the ceremony. 
Thank you.