OCONTO COUNTY ATV TRAILS: Attached is a Press Release from Oconto County Park and Forestry regarding the opening of the ATV Trails this year. The Oconto County ATV trails will not open on Saturday April 26, 2019 and are closed until further notice. Trails will open once they are dry enough for use without damage. You can check the Oconto County website at: www,co.oconto.wi.us.org or the Oconto County Tourism site at: www.ocontocounty.org. You can also check our website at: www.hiddenbeartrailatvclub.com or our Facebook page. I will also send out an email to all members when we find out when the trails will open.
CLUB CLEAN-UP: Our scheduled clean-up day of Friday April 26th is also cancelled and we will notify everyone via email when we will have the club clean-up depending on the opening of the Oconto County ATV Trails.