Spring Club News
Another ATV/UTV season is just around the corner, the Oconto County ATV Trails open
Saturday April 27 th , 2024 (weather permitting). We will keep all of our members informed of the
exact date they will open or you can visit our website at: www.hiddenbeartrailatvclub.com or the
Oconto County website at: www.ocontocounty.org. Hope this letter finds everyone in good
health, and looking forward to the ATV Season. Enclosed is our 2024 Calendar of Events.
Also included in this mailing is a new 2024-2025 Oconto County ATV Map. The following is
some of the changes to the map. All Oconto County Lettered Highways that are open are now a
blue route color on the map (blue colored are ATV routes that are blacktop, Red color is for ATV
trails and Green Color is for gravel ATV Routes). Please remember that State Highways (Hwy 32,
64, 41 & 141 are not open for ATV Travel). We also included information on both Langlade and
Marinette County Lettered Highway. Langlade County lettered highways are open year-round
and Marinette County lettered highways are open unless posted closed and are open from May
1 st to December 1 st during day light hours. We have also added both a numerical and alpha listing
of sponsor locations on the front of the map.
Our attempts to get all the local townships to create a new ATV Ordinance to have uniformed
speed limits was not successful. The Towns of Riverview and Lakewood changed their speed limit
to the vehicle speed limits (we pulled all the ATV speed limit signs from both townships). Doty
created a new ordinance but set their speed limit at 20 mph. Townsend is leaving their speed
limit at 20 mph and Mountain have not changed theirs at this time. Unfortunately, as you get
into each township in Oconto County you will run into different speed limits.
Some positive news is that we will finally have an ATV Route (mostly blacktop) to connect
Northern Oconto County with Southern Langlade County hopefully this summer or early fall. We
added this on the new map (please see new map for Langlade County). The connection will be
taking Hwy W in Oconto County (changing to Hwy WW in Langlade County) to Hwy 55, a short
trail in the DOT Right of Way on Hwy 55 to Hwy M to Hwy P and then connect with the Wolf River
Trail. We are still working on the Traxel Point to Fish Hatchery to the Hwy 64 bridge connection.
Our annual fundraiser is scheduled for Saturday August 17 th , 2024 at Animal’s Bear Trail Inn.
Please mark your calendar. We also have our $100.00 cash raffle tickets available to purchase, if
you are interested in purchasing a ticket contact Jim at: 920-562-7872. First prize is $5000.00
again this year with 24 other cash prizes.
Jim Wisneski, President