Trails update & cleanup —– Fund raiser Saturday
OCONTO COUNTY ATV TRAILS UPDATE: Our club along with 3 other area ATV Clubs met yesterday in Lakewood with the National Forest Supervisor and the Oconto Park & Forestry Administrator. The update is as follows: All of the Oconto County ATV Trails remain closed. The Forest Service has been working in the National Forest to clear all the ATV Trails and Routes and the clubs have been going behind them to pick up brush on the trails and cut any small stuff off of the trails. The Nicolet State Trail work will not be started until August 22nd due to the notification of adjacent land owner’s that trees that are on their property that are blocking the trail will be cut down. All Landowner’s need to reply by August 21st if they object to this procedure. The hope is to have the Nicolet State Trail cleaned up by August 29th. We were also informed from the Forest Service there may be certain area’s that need to be closed if they start cutting all the timber in certain areas. As we get updates we will pass them on.
TRAIL CLEANUP – Our club still has one section of trail that needs to be cleaned up from Island Lake Road north to the Nicolet State Trail. This was the part that we did not finish last Monday. The plan is to meet at the Riverview Town Hall on Tuesday August 20th at 9:30. If you want to bring your ATV/UTV with a trailer you can park at the Town of Riverview. If you can get to the Town of Riverview Townhall using Town Road with your ATV/UTV’s that will work also. Otherwise we can use pick-ups or SUV’s to go down the trail. The Forest Service has removed all the large trees off of the trail but we need to clear brush and small trees away from the trail. If we have enough people again it should only take 3 hours.
FUNDRAISER: Last reminder of our Fundraiser this Saturday starting at noon at Animal’s Bear Trail Inn!!!