Upcoming events

2023 Club Calendar Of Events

2nd Wednesday of the Month @ 6pm March – October Board of Directors Meeting

Location: Animal’s Bear Trail InnAll members are welcome to attend!

March 31-April 2 Wisconsin ATV Association (WATVA) Annual Meeting

Location: Holiday Inn, Stevens Point

May 20th– DNR Certified ATV Safety Class.

Location: Town of Townsend Community Center. Apply
at gowild.wi.gov or contact Lead Instructor Larry Westphal at lw56trailz@gmail.com or
phone number 920-912-3689. 

April 29 Oconto County ATV/UTV Trails Open


June 17 First Membership Meeting and Club Ride

Time: 10:00am meeting
Location: Firelite Bar and lunch at South Shore Pub and Grill.

August 19 11th Annual Club Fund Raiser and 2nd Membership Meeting

Time: Meeting at Noon, 1pm-5pm
Location: Animal’s Bear Trail Inn, Corner of Hwy T & 64, Mountain WIMeat Raffles, 50-50 raffle, Large Cash Raffle drawing at 5:00 pm.  Food and Refreshments

September 30 Last Membership Meeting, Club Ride and Club Cookout

Time: Meeting at 10am
Location: MulligansClub Ride at 11:00 am over to Crooked Lake for Dusty Trails and Crooked Trails end of the year Poker Run. Club Cookout upon return at the Schoolhouse Bar & Grill.

November 5 Oconto County ATV/UTV Trails Close